Saladi ya Parachichi: Picture taken on a table overlooking the Rift Valley, Tanzania
This dish is so simple yet would be very impressive to serve guests. Find the largest avocados possible that are perfectly ripe. Finely dice ripe tomato and red onion. I would do a 4 tomato to 1 onion ratio. Toss with a little red wine, extra virgin olive oil, course sea salt and freshly ground pepper. Spoon into the avocado holes. If your avocado holes are quite small, you could carve out a bigger hole and save the extra avocado for later.
This recipe is so versatile. You could obviously make this a Mexican avocado salad by adding some lime juice, cilantro and jalapeno to the tomato mixture. My husband had a similar dish in Zimbabwe, but the avocados were filled with a finely diced fresh garlic and hot pepper mixture. Sounds awesome, doesn't it? This salad would be tasty alongside any grilled meat or fish or a hearty bean and rice stew.